Dividend Growth Investor Newsletter


Saturday, March 29, 2014

Best Income Investing Articles for March 2014

For your weekend reading enjoyment, I have highlighted a few interesting articles from the archives, which I find to be relevant today. The first five articles have been written and posted on this site, while the last five have been selected from other authors. I tend to post anywhere between three to four articles to my site every week. I usually try to write at least one or two articles that contain timeless information concerning dividend investing. This could include information about my strategy, or other pieces of information, which could be useful to dividend investors.
Below, I have highlighted a few articles posted on this site, which many readers have found interesting:

Richard Kinder: The Warren Buffett of Energy

I admire investors with skin in the game, who are fully invested in the company they manage. Richard Kinder is one such person, who has built an energy empire in the US, and continues to expand its legacy. He reminds me of Warren Buffett, only that Richard Kinder is focusing only on energy.

Why Did I Purchase This Dividend Paying Company For a Third Month in a Row?

Back in early 2014, I started dollar cost averaging in this company. I broke up my position size using Loyal3 commission free brokerage, and decided to take advantage of this opportunity. The time to purchase blue chip dividend paying companies is when there are some bad news that are widely known, which depresses prices since it scares the amateurs away. To paraphrase Buffett, when everyone is fearful, you have to be greedy.

Accenture PLC (ACN) Dividend Stock Analysis

Last week, I initiated a half position in the consulting company. I like the prospects for earnings and dividend growth, the attractive valuation and the strong brand and quality of long-term business relationships under the company's belt. In addition, this company is a cash machine, which requires very little in fixed costs in order to operate successfully and expand the business. One thing to note is the Irish Withholding tax, and the fact dividends are paid semi-annually.

Do not become a victim of fear in your dividend investing

Many investors tend to obtain their information from secondary sources, some of which try to confuse them purposefully in an effort to increase circulation. In this article, I outline the importance of thinking for yourself, after carefully examining facts, and not overly relying on other people's opinions.

I read a lot about companies, and also read a lot of interesting articles from all over the web. A few that I really enjoyed over the past months include:

20 Favorite Dividend Growth Stocks from 20 Dividend Growth Bloggers

My friend Dan Mac polled twenty dividend investing website writers for their favorite stock picks. He also was kind enough to include me in the poll. You would have to check the article out for yourself, but the most loved company seems to be Coca-Cola (KO).

Dividend Stocks vs. Dividend ETFs

My friend James over at Dividend Growth Stocks compares Dividend ETF's to Dividend Stocks. I find it very interesting that many serious dividend investors prefer to build their own portfolios, rather than choosing the pre-packaged investments available out there and having no say over portfolio distributions. One of the main reasons I am against Dividend ETFs is the fact that frequent turnover results in fluctuating income.

Selective Dividend Reinvestment Vs. DRIP

My friend Jason from Dividend Mantra wrote a very thorough article where he compares the benefits and drawbacks of automatic versus selective dividend reinvestment. The selective reinvestment works for him, because he is able to save several thousand per month, and pool those resources with his dividend income in order to purchase more dividend paying stocks. I do exactly the same thing. However, if I could only afford to invest a few hundred dollars a month, chances are that I would be dripping.

Thank you for reading Dividend Growth Investor site. I am also on Twitter, if you are interested in following me on another platform, where I post about recent trades I have made.