There are two schools of thought when it comes to dividend reinvestment. One of the options is to automatically reinvest dividends, whereas the other option is to selectively reinvest dividends received.
The automatic dividend reinvestment is the easiest one to do. Once you purchase a dividend paying stock, you essentially check the “dividend reinvestment” box. As a result, your dividend income is reinvested into more shares of the same stock, and you start the income compounding process. The set it and forget it type of action is particularly appealing to income investors who are just starting out and have small amounts to invest in the beginning,
Because of the fact that it is free, automatic reinvestment into more stock is most efficient for those investors. Otherwise, even at $4-$5/trade, reinvesting anything less than $800-$1000 in dividend income would be prohibitively expensive. In addition, some companies offer DRIP discounts for shareholders who automatically reinvest distributions back into more stock. Unfortunately, even if you reinvest dividends back into the same stock that paid them in a taxable brokerage account, you still owe taxes to the IRS, depending on your income level.
If you are investing in a retirement account, where contribution amounts are limited, it may also make sense to reinvest automatically, regardless of valuation. This is because it would be more cost efficient to do so, rather than accumulating cash until it makes sense to make another investment from a cost standpoint.
Thursday, September 29, 2016
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Common Misconceptions about Dividend Growth Investing
There are many misconceptions about dividend investing. I have tried itemizing several of them, outlining them, and providing a brief commentary. Dealing with viewpoints that are different from yours is very important, because it opens you up to new ideas, and tests your strategies against scenarios that you might not have thought about. Unfortunately, most of the time I deal with viewpoints which are against dividend investing, I often find the authors are only providing their opinions, without ever bothering to examine any factual evidence on the subject. It is very dangerous to have an opinion on a subject, without knowing it inside out, but sticking to your original viewpoint, even if the evidence refutes your original ideas.
As Charlie Munger says " “I never allow myself to have an opinion on anything that I don’t know the other side’s argument better than they do.”
The misconceptions are summarized below:
As Charlie Munger says " “I never allow myself to have an opinion on anything that I don’t know the other side’s argument better than they do.”
The misconceptions are summarized below:
Thursday, September 22, 2016
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) About Dividend Investing
I have highlighted below several frequently asked questions about dividend investing. This is not an all inclusive list, but more of a running total of questions I am usually asked about dividend investing, dividend growth stocks and my strategy. The answers pertain to my investing, strategy and experience, and I have tried to respond to the best of my knowledge and intentions. As I get new recurring questions asked, I would add them to this list.
Why should you focus on dividends?
Why should you focus on dividends?
A company that pays dividends is less risky than a company that has never paid a dividend. A company that pays dividends pays with actual cash, which cannot be easily manipulated like earnings. Dividends are a more stable part of total returns, and are always positive, which is what makes them ideal for retirees who want to live off their nest egg. Paying a dividend imposes discipline on management, that makes them evaluate the cash flow impacts of new projects and make them only focus on the best ideas. This dividend payment makes management less likely to engage in empire building, and less likely to simply hoard cash or mindlessly expand/acquire companies which are not accretive to returns. Few US managements are willing to cut a dividend – doing so sends signals that the company is weak financially.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016
Key Ingredients for Successful Dividend Investing
There are four key attributes that need to be considered, in order to be successful at dividend investing. These ingredients include focusing on quality, earnings growth, entry price and sustainable distributions. In this article, I would focus in more detail behind each of these four items.
While investors could argue that one cannot put success in a pre-packaged recipe for achieving it, I have found the four ingredients above to be essential for my income investing strategy.
I believe in purchasing quality dividend paying companies. This means that I try to focus on companies with strong competitive advantages, strong brand names and/or wide moats. Companies like that offer a product or service which customers desire, and are willing to pay a price which would deliver a fair profit. In addition, companies which offer products which are perceived to have quality characteristics, which typically translates into repeated purchases of the goods or services. In addition, companies that offer a unique product or service are able to compete based upon the added value they bring to the marketplace, and avoid costly price wars with competitors. Furthermore, the company would be able to have pricing power and pass on costs to customers, which will be much less likely to switch to another product. I understand that quality lies in the eyes of the beholder, but through experience, dividend investors should be able to uncover quality dividend paying gems.
While investors could argue that one cannot put success in a pre-packaged recipe for achieving it, I have found the four ingredients above to be essential for my income investing strategy.
I believe in purchasing quality dividend paying companies. This means that I try to focus on companies with strong competitive advantages, strong brand names and/or wide moats. Companies like that offer a product or service which customers desire, and are willing to pay a price which would deliver a fair profit. In addition, companies which offer products which are perceived to have quality characteristics, which typically translates into repeated purchases of the goods or services. In addition, companies that offer a unique product or service are able to compete based upon the added value they bring to the marketplace, and avoid costly price wars with competitors. Furthermore, the company would be able to have pricing power and pass on costs to customers, which will be much less likely to switch to another product. I understand that quality lies in the eyes of the beholder, but through experience, dividend investors should be able to uncover quality dividend paying gems.
Thursday, September 15, 2016
Dividend Champions - The Best List for Dividend Investors
Investors who are looking for quality stocks that regularly raise dividends have several lists available as a starting point in their research. The typical lists include the S&P Dividend Aristocrats index, which consists of 50 constituents of the S&P 500 which have raised distributions for over a quarter of a century and also have certain capitalization, liquidity requirements. Another popular list includes the Dividend Achievers Index, which includes almost all companies traded on US exchanges which have consistently raised distributions for over one decade, and which also meet a certain liquidity threshold as well. The third list, the dividend champions, is maintained by Dave Fish. This is by far the most comprehensive list of dividend growth stocks available for free. It breaks down the dividend growth universe into dividend champions, dividend contenders and dividend challengers. The list could be obtained from this link.
The dividend champions list includes all stocks traded in the US, which have raised dividends for at least twenty-five consecutive years. I prefer the dividend champions list than the dividend aristocrats index, since it is more complete and does not have artificial requirements such as index membership or minimum trading volume. These requirements are typically irrelevant to long-term dividend investors, who focus on fundamentals that could support a growing distribution, not on day to day market fluctuations. Currently there are 110 dividend champions, which yield 2.46% on average.
Some notable dividend champions include Colgate-Palmolive (CL), Procter & Gamble (PG) and Coca-Cola (KO). Colgate-Palmolive (CL) has consistently raised dividends for 53 years in a row, but for some strange reason was not included in the dividend aristocrats index until 2012. This is a great example why focusing on the dividend champions list could provide a more comprehensive selection of elite dividend stocks. Another dividend champion is Altria Group (MO). The only reason why the company is not on the dividend aristocrat list is because its dividend payment is lower due to the spin-off of Phillip Morris International (PM) in 2008 and Kraft Foods (KFT) in 2007. Other than that, the tobacco company has managed to increase dividends for 47 years in a row.
Tuesday, September 13, 2016
Create Your Own Dividend ETF With Motif Investing
Update: I believe that Robinhood is a better alternative for investors than Motif Investing
Motif Investing is an established brokerage which lets investors create their own portfolios, and purchase them for a set commission. Each investor can build a portfolio of up to 30 individual securities, and then purchase that portfolio for a single commission of $9.95. This works out to 33 cents per trade on 30 securities, which is cheaper than Interactive Brokers on a per-trade basis. If you were making 30 individual stock trades at Scottrade, you would have to pay $210. At Tradeking, you would have to pay $148.50 for purchasing those 30 individual securities. At Schwab, it would cost $268.50 to assemble a portfolio of 30 individual stocks.
There are no monthly fees and no account minimums, which makes Motif Investing a good broker for new dividend investors. Motif Investing also offers single stock purchases for a low price of $4.95/trade, which is relatively cheap as well. They do require a minimum investment of $250 to purchase a Motif. You can buy or sell Motifs for $9.95 or you can re-balance also for $9.95/trade. The brokerage is SIPC insured, which means that securities up to $500,000 are protected in case the brokerage firm goes under. They do not reinvest dividends yet, but this is not really an issue for me, since I reinvest dividends selectively.
Motif Investing is an established brokerage which lets investors create their own portfolios, and purchase them for a set commission. Each investor can build a portfolio of up to 30 individual securities, and then purchase that portfolio for a single commission of $9.95. This works out to 33 cents per trade on 30 securities, which is cheaper than Interactive Brokers on a per-trade basis. If you were making 30 individual stock trades at Scottrade, you would have to pay $210. At Tradeking, you would have to pay $148.50 for purchasing those 30 individual securities. At Schwab, it would cost $268.50 to assemble a portfolio of 30 individual stocks.
There are no monthly fees and no account minimums, which makes Motif Investing a good broker for new dividend investors. Motif Investing also offers single stock purchases for a low price of $4.95/trade, which is relatively cheap as well. They do require a minimum investment of $250 to purchase a Motif. You can buy or sell Motifs for $9.95 or you can re-balance also for $9.95/trade. The brokerage is SIPC insured, which means that securities up to $500,000 are protected in case the brokerage firm goes under. They do not reinvest dividends yet, but this is not really an issue for me, since I reinvest dividends selectively.
Thursday, September 8, 2016
The List of All Articles From the Dividend Growth Investor Blog
I have been writing about dividend growth investing since January 2008.
I often get asked questions by readers. Many of those questions inspire me to write articles, that address them.
However, I also constantly get a lot of questions which have already been addressed before. This is why I maintain a list of all articles written since I started this site in 2008. I try to update this list at least once per month. I just updated it through the end of August.
Please feel free to browse through the articles. I believe that this list of articles will likely address a large portion of questions.
Below, you can find the complete list of all articles that were published to Dividend Growth Investor site since January 2008. Thank you for reading!
▼ August 2016 (12)
▼ July 2016 (10)
▼ June 2016 (14)
▼ May 2016 (12)
▼ April 2016 (11)
▼ September 2011 (13)
▼ August 2011 (14)
▼ January 2008 (18)
I often get asked questions by readers. Many of those questions inspire me to write articles, that address them.
However, I also constantly get a lot of questions which have already been addressed before. This is why I maintain a list of all articles written since I started this site in 2008. I try to update this list at least once per month. I just updated it through the end of August.
Please feel free to browse through the articles. I believe that this list of articles will likely address a large portion of questions.
Below, you can find the complete list of all articles that were published to Dividend Growth Investor site since January 2008. Thank you for reading!
▼ August 2016 (12)
- Altria Delivers Dependable Dividend Growth and High Total Returns
- How to set up your own perpetual income machine
- How Dividend Growth Investors can prosper even if interest rates increase
- Holding Through the Good Times
- Interest Rates Affect Stock Valuations
- My own unique approach to investing for retirement
- The Simple Math Behind Early Retirement
- How Much Money Do You Need to Retire
- Seven Dividend Achievers Rewarding Shareholders With a Raise
- How much time does it take to manage my dividend portfolio
- Should You Applaud Vanguard's Move To Close Its Active Dividend Growth Fund?
- Four Dividend Achievers Rewarding Shareholders With a Raise
▼ July 2016 (10)
- Four Attractively Valued Dividend Growth Stocks For Further Research
- How to become a successful dividend investor
- The paradox of saving and investing
- Use these tools within your control to get rich
- Six Companies Rewarding Shareholders With Regular Dividend Hikes.
- Nine Attractively Valued Dividend Stocks to Consider
- The importance of having your own unique investment process
- Should you celebrate when your dividend paying company is about to be acquired?
- General Mills (GIS): A Reliable Dividend Growth Stock
- The real risk behind international investing
▼ June 2016 (14)
- Why I Use Dividend Growth Investing to Get Wealthy.
- Consolidating assets into my 401 (k)
- Medtronic: High Dividend Growth Stock
- Time in the Market Trumps Timing the Market
- My personal journey with dividend stocks
- How to get dividend investment ideas
- Diageo (DEO) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Key lessons I learned from my investment in Pfizer
- How to select winning retail stocks
- Five Dividend Growth Stocks Showering Shareholders With Cash
- Financial independence by collecting underpants? Are you serious?
- PepsiCo (PEP) is a dividend machine to hold forever
- The worst mutual fund in history
- Stress Testing Your Dividend Portfolio
- Johnson & Johnson: My Favorite Dividend King for reliable dividend growth and income
▼ May 2016 (12)
- The Importance of Revenue Growth In Selecting Winning Investments
- This is how I plan to become financially independet by 2018
- Target: An Attractively Valued Dividend Champion on Sale
- Four Reliable Dividend Payers Boosting Distributions
- The real cost of buying a new car
- How I Choose My Dividend Stocks
- What can we learn from Exxon in the 1980s and 1990s
- Paying Your Phone Bill with AT&T Dividend Income
- Verizon: A High-Yield Telecom For Current Income
- The Best Dividend ETF to Consider
- Building a Core Dividend Growth Portfolio With These Eight Companies
- Ten Dividend Growth Stocks That Keep Delivering For Their Shareholders
▼ April 2016 (11)
- Why I Use Dividend Growth Investing to Get Wealthy.
- 13 Dividend Aristocrats for Further Research
- How to have enough
- Dividend Aristocrats List for 2016
- Dividend Aristocrats for Dividend Growth and Total Returns
- Unilever Rewards Long-Term Shareholders With Regular Dividend Raises
- Why I Chose Dividend Growth Investing
- Why relative performance comparisons provide no value to me
- Procter & Gamble Raises Dividends for 60th Year in a row
- Four Lessons Learned from 20 Years of DRIP Investing
- How many individual stocks do I need to consider myself diversified?
▼ March 2016 (10)
- Focused Dividend Investing: Pros and Cons
- 3 Low Volatility Dividend Stocks To Make Staying The Course Easier
- How to Earn $95,000 in Qualified Dividend Income, and pay no taxes.
- Focus on Dividend Growth In conjunction with Dividend Yield
- How can companies increase annual dividends by hiking them every two years?.
- 24 Dividend Champions for Further Research
- What should I do about slowing dividend growth?
- Give your investments time to compound
- Five Dividend Growth Investing Lessons I Have Learned the Hard Way
- What dividend cuts? What market correction?
▼ February 2016 (11)
- Leveraged Dividend Investing
- Time is an ally of the dividend investor
- Ten Dividend Growth Stocks Rewarding Long Term Investors With a Raise.
- Business Change is bad for dividend investors
- Eight Dividend Growth Stocks Rewarding Investors With a Raise
- You need conviction to average down in a stock
- Five Dividend Growth Stocks Rewarding Investors With Higher Dividends
- ConocoPhillips Cuts Dividends - What Should a Dividend Investor do?
- Concentrated versus Diversified Dividend Investing
- The importance of multiple income streams
▼ January 2016 (11)
- How did I do in January?
- The advantages of being a long-term dividend investor
- The Benefits of Automatic Investing
- Evidence that Buffett likes dividend paying stocks
- Eight Years Dividend Growth Investor
- Your most important asset
- Dividend Investors: Stay The Course
- Living off dividends in 2016 – My New Goal
- A Change of heart on REITs and MLPs
- My Five Largest Dividend Portfolio Holdings for the long term
- Best Dividend Articles for 2015
▼ December 2015 (10)
- Should Dividend Growth Investors Dip into Principal?
- Dividend Kings for 2016
- Dividend Growth Investing At Work
- My Goals for 2016
- Where to invest the money from the sale of Kinder Morgan Stock?
- The Humility Dividend Growth Portfolio
- Kinder Morgan Cuts Dividends
- Three Investing Lessons I Learned the Hard Way
- What should I do about Kinder Morgan?
- Recent Purchase
▼ November 2015 (10)
- Four Notable Dividend Increases From Last Week
- Three Dividend Seeds I Planted Last Week
- Are you patient enough to become a successful dividend investor?
- Relative Performance Comparisons are Useless for Dividend Investors
- Life after Financial Independence
- Time in the market is your greatest ally in investing
- Entering Wealth Preservation Mode
- Margin of Safety in Retirement Income: How to create a fool proof dividend machine
- Building my dividend snowball to $30,000 in annual dividend income
- How early retirees can withdraw money from tax-deferred accounts
▼ October 2015 (13)
- How to Increase Dividend Income
- Two Dividend Seeds I Planted For Long Term Income
- Four Dividend Growth Stocks Rewarding Investors with a raise
- I bought the following dividend stocks in October
- Are low prices a justification to buy?
- Excess Cash Flow is essential for successful dividend investments
- Should I buy Wal-Mart stock at current levels?
- From zero to $15,000 in dividend income in 8 years
- Expense Report - Last Four Months
- A Costly Misconception about foreign dividend stocks
- Quality Dividend Stocks versus Growth Stocks ( Part 2)
- Quality Dividend Stocks versus Growth Stocks
- Focus on Dividend Growth for Long Term Results
▼ September 2015 (13)
- How to properly weight dividend portfolio holdings
- Dividend Companies I am Considering in October
- Does Market Capitalization Matter in dividend investing?
- Financial Independence Is Easier to Model with Dividend Income
- Dividend Stocks I Purchased In the Past Month
- Two Recent Dividend Increases from my Dividend Machine
- Survivorship bias in Dividend Investing - Part 2
- Survivorship bias in Dividend Investing
- How I Manage to Monitor So Many Companies
- Is time spent learning dividend investing worth it ( Part Two)?
- Is time spent learning dividend investing worth it?
- The value of dividend growth in retirement planning
- Preventing Blind Spots in Dividend Investing
▼ August 2015 (13)
- Altria Delivers Another Strong Dividend Hike
- A Dividend Portfolio for Early Retirees
- Do not get emotionally attached to a dividend position
- Dividend Companies I purchased in August
- Eaton Corporation: Attractively Valued Stock to Consider
- Are you ready for the next bear market?
- Tax Loss Harvesting for Dividend Investors
- Should companies pay dividends?
- How well do you know your investment strategy?
- Are these oil dividends safe?
- UnitedHealth Group (UNH) Dividend Stock Analysis
- What should I do with Baxter and Baxalta after the dividend cut?
- Create your own dividend ETF with Motif Investing
▼ July 2015 (16)
- Dividend Growth Stocks I Purchased in July
- Dividend Growth Stocks Protect Investors from Inflation
- How I manage my dividend portfolio
- ACE Limited (ACE) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Sector Allocations for Dividend Growth Investors
- Am I a successful dividend investor?
- Six Dividend Growth Stocks That Keep Delivering For Their Shareholders
- McDonald's (MCD) Dividend Stock Analysis 2015
- The biggest investing sin exposed - part II
- The Biggest Investing Sin Exposed
- Six Confident Dividend Stocks Giving Shareholders A Raise
- Do I need an emergency fund?
- Dividend Growth Investing – a great strategy for long-term investors
- Dividend Companies I am Considering this Month
- Happy Financial Independence Day
- The most important rule about dividend investing
▼ June 2015 (14)
- What drives future investment returns?
- Emerson Electric (EMR) Dividend Stock Analysis 2015
- The one lesson about Warren Buffett's success that no one wants to hear
- The Best Broker for Dividend Investors: Interactive Brokers
- Wal-Mart (WMT) Dividend Stock Analysis for 2015
- Why Dividend Investors should never use stop losses
- The most important metric for dividend investing
- Seven Dividend Growth Stocks to Consider for Further Research
- Should Dividend Investors Re-Balance Portfolios?
- How to value dividend stocks
- Lowe’s Delivers Consistent Dividend Growth to Investors
- Norfolk Southern (NSC) Dividend Stock Analysis
- How to become a successful dividend investor
- Dividend Investors have an advantage over everyone else on Wall Street
▼ May 2015 (14)
- Union Pacific (UNP) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Two New Dividend Growth Stocks I Bought This Week
- Simple Investing Principles to Follow
- TJX Companies (TJX) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Front Loading Savings for a Successful Dividend Retirement
- Four Companies Growing Future Yields With Increased Dividends
- Three REITs I Picked Last Week
- Tradeking – Best Broker For New Dividend Investors
- Dividend Stocks Rewarding Patient Investors With a Raise
- 3M Company (MMM) Dividend Stock Analysis 2015
- How to be an Intelligent Dividend Investor
- Five Companies Showering Investors With More Cash
- Johnson & Johnson (JNJ): A Quality Dividend King At An Attractive Valuation
▼ April 2015 (14)
- What makes Consumer Staples the Perfect Dividend Growth Investors
- Four Quality Dividend Machines Hiking Distributions
- Ross Stores (ROST) Dividend Stock Analysis
- How to Make Money in Your Sleep with Forever Dividend Investing
- Dividend Growth Stocks Increase Intrinsic Value Over Time
- Five Dividend Paying Companies Rewarding Shareholders With a Raise
- Philip Morris International (PM) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Does Paying a Dividend Reduce a Company’s Value?
- Six Companies Showering Shareholders with Higher Dividends
- Ameriprise Financial (AMP) Dividend Stock Analysis
- The Value of Dividend Growth
- My Favorite Exercise With Dividend Paying Stocks
- Becton, Dickinson (BDX) Dividend Stock Analysis 2015
- Taxable versus Tax-Deferred Accounts for Dividend Investors
▼ March 2015 (14)
- Comparing your results to S&P 500 could be dangerous for dividend investors
- W.W. Grainger (GWW) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividend Stocks Provide Protection in Any Market
- Why Stock Charts Are Misleading for Dividend Investors
- The Perfect Dividend Portfolio
- Eaton Vance (EV) Dividend Stock Analysis
- 39 Dividend Champions for Further Research
- General Mills Delivers another Year of Consistent Dividend Growth
- Air Products and Chemicals (APD) Dividend Stock An...
- Dividend Investors: Avoid Living in the Past
- Turbocharge Income Growth with Dividend Reinvestment
- Four Dependable Dividend Stocks I Bought Last Week
- T. Rowe Price Group (TROW) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividend Investing Knowledge Accumulates Like Compound Interest
- Four Dividend Stocks for the Long Run
- Dividend Growth Stocks Rewarding Shareholders with a Raise
▼ February 2015 (14)
- Unilever (UL) Dividend Stock Analysis 2015
- How to Convert a portfolio of index funds to dividend paying stocks?
- How to save over $60,000/year in a Roth IRA
- Twelve Companies Providing Investors with Dividend Raises
- Buying Quality Companies at a Reasonable Price is Very Important.
- Is Ethical Dividend Growth Investing Possible?
- What would happen to Berkshire Hathaway after Warren Buffett is gone?
- How Ordinary Investors Can Generate Float Like Buffett
- Health Savings Account (HSA) for Dividend Investors
- Will the dividend grow?
- How to buy dividend paying stocks at a 25% discount
- Two Dividend Paying Companies I purchased last week
- W.P Carey (WPC): A Dividend REIT For Current Income
- The Energy Company I want to buy
- Six Quality Dividend Companies For Long Term Investors
▼ January 2015 (14)
- HCP Inc (HCP) A High Yield REIT Play on Healthcare
- My Dividend Goals for 2015 and after
- How to never run out of money in retirement
- General Mills (GIS) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Rising Earnings – The Source of Future Dividend Growth
- Seven Dividend Stocks Boosting Distributions this week
- 7 Years Dividend Growth Investor
- Target (TGT): The Underdog Dividend Champion To Consider on Weakness
- Two Dividend Stocks I Purchased in 2015
- How to invest a lump sum
- Robinhood Brokerage Review
- The dumbest argument against dividend paying stocks
- Dividend Kings List for 2015
- How to reach your dividend income goals?
▼ December 2014 (14)
- Best Dividend Stocks for 2015
- Dividend Angels – a possible searching ground for investment opportunities
- Best Dividend Investing Articles of 2014
- Should you purchase dividend stocks at 52 week highs
- Should I hold on to American Realty Capital Properties (ARCP)
- What dividend stocks would I buy if I were just starting out
- Four Dividend Increases for Further Review
- Six Dividend Investments I Made Last Week
- The Pareto Principle in dividend investing
- Are Energy Investments Today a Once in a Lifetime Opportunity (Part 2)
- Are Energy Stock Values Today a Once in a Lifetime Opportunity?
- Exxon Mobil (XOM) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Should taxes guide your investment decisions?
- Brown Forman is a consistent dividend growth company
- Three Dividend Raises I am Thankful For
▼ November 2014 (14)
- How to turbocharge dividend growth
- Franklin Resources (BEN) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Independent thinking for successful dividend investing
- What should I do about those non-dividend paying stocks I received in a spin-off?
- Should Dividend Investors own Non-Dividend Paying Stocks?
- Con Edison (ED) Dividend Growth Analysis
- Successful Dividend Investing Requires Patience
- Three Dividend Machines I Accumulated Recently
- Eaton Corporation (ETN): A Hidden Dividend Gem To Consider.
- Three Commission Free Investments and a Dividend Increase.
- What should I do with American Realty Capital Properties (ARCP)?
▼ October 2014 (14)
▼ September 2014 (14)- Verizon (VZ): Another High Yield Telecom for Current Income
- Key Ingredients for Successful Dividend Investing
- Dividends Make Investing Easier During Market Declines
- AT&T: A High Yield Telecom for Current Income
- Time in the market is more important than timing the market
- United Technologies (UTX): A Diversified Dividend Powerhouse to Consider
- Two and a half purchases I made this week
- Top Dividend Growth Stocks of the past decade
- Canadian Banks for Long Term Dividend Growth
- Visa: High Dividend Growth Stock To Consider
- Is international exposure overrated?
- Ten Dividend Seeds I Planted for Long Term Income
- Disney: A Wide-Moat Stock To Hold Forever
- You don’t need to be right all the time to succeed with dividend investing
- How to buy Kinder Morgan at a discount
- Mistakes of Omission Can Be Costlier than Mistakes of Commission
- Chevron (CVX) Dividend Stock Analysis 2014
- Never Stop Learning and Improving
- Three Dividend Stocks With Consistent Dividend Hikes
- How to analyze dividend stocks
- Wal-Mart (WMT): The Time To Buy Is When No One Likes a Quality Dividend Company
- Three Questions That Every Dividend Investor Should Ask Themselves
- High Yield Companies for Current Income
- Walgreen: A High Dividend Growth Champion To Consider
- Selling Puts: Pros and Cons for Dividend Investors...
- Two High Yield Companies Raising Dividends in the News.
- McDonald’s (MCD) Dividend Stock Analysis 2014
- Should I have a minimum yield requirement?
▼ August 2014 (15)
- Best Dividend Investing Articles for August 2014
- Starbucks: The Next Dividend Growth Success Story
- Dividend Growth Stocks Are Still Great Acquisitions
- Dividend Paying Companies I recently added to my income portfolio
- PepsiCo (PEP) Dividend Stock Analysis 2014
- How to Invest Like Warren Buffett
- Kinder Morgan Limited Partners Could Face Steep Tax Bills
- Procter & Gamble (PG) Dividend Stock Analysis 2014
- Dividend Investing for Financial Independence
- I bought this quality dividend paying stock last week
- Kinder Morgan to Merge Partnerships into One Company
- Why Warren Buffett likes Investing in Bank Stocks
- Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) Dividend Stock Analysis 2014
- 14 Dividend Growth Stocks I Bought On the Dip Last Week
- Hershey (HSY) Dividend Stock Analysis
▼ July 2014 (16)
- Dividend Investing Over the Past Seven Years Was Never Easy
- Dividend Yield or Dividend Growth:My Experience With Both
- Best Dividend Investing Articles for July 2014
- Should I invest in AT&T and Verizon for high dividend income?
- Surprise: The real cost of inversions are paid by Shareholders
- Five Dividend Machines With Growing Distributions
- American Realty Capital Properties (ARCP) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividend Investors Will Make Money Even if the Stock Market Closed for Ten Years
- Seven Dividend Stocks I purchased for the long-term
- ConocoPhillips Rewards Long-Term Investors with consistent dividend increases
- Deere & Co (DE) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Look abroad for higher dividend yields
- Are you drowning in cash?
- How to earn $900 in dividend income per minute
- Can everyone achieve financial independence with Dividend Paying Stocks?
▼ June 2014 (16)
- I purchased this dividend machine last week
- Best Dividend Investing Articles for June 2014
- Occidental Petroleum (OXY) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Does diversification lead to lower quality of investments in a dividend portfolio?
- Multi-Generational Dividend investing
- What Attracted Warren Buffett to IBM?
- Investors Should Look for Organic Dividend Growth
- Companies I am Considering for my Roth IRA
- Ten Dividend Increases For Further Review
- Realty Income - A dependable dividend achiever for current income
- Margin of Safety in Financial Independence
- Dividend Growth Stocks are Compounding Machines
- 7 Dividend Paying Stocks I Purchased Without Paying Commissions
- Dividend Investing in a Bullish Market
- Baxter International (BAX) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Focus on High Yielders with Growing Distributions
- How to stay motivated on your road to financial independence
▼ May 2014 (16)
▼ April 2014 (16)- Best Dividend Investing Articles for May 2014
- Let dividends do the heavy lifting for your retirement
- Why I don’t do discounted cash flow analysis on dividend stocks
- ConocoPhillips (COP) Dividend Stock Analysis 2014
- Generate a retirement paycheck with these dividend paying stocks
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- Genuine Parts Company (GPC) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Should I buy more high yielding stocks in order to retire early?
- Dollar Cost Averaging Versus Lump Sum Investing
- Family Dollar Stores (FDO) Dividend Stock Analysis
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- Dividend Investing During the Financial Crisis
- Twelve Predictable Dividend Growth Stocks Raising Dividends
- Best Dividend Investing Articles for April 2014
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- When to sell your dividend stocks?
- How to monitor your dividend investments
- Nine Reasons I Read Dividend Mantra Every Day
- How to deal with new cash from dividend payments
- How to Manage Your Dividend Portfolio
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- Clorox Company (CLX) Dividend Stock Analysis
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- The Security I Like Best: Philip Morris International
▼ December 2013 (16)
▼ November 2013 (16)- Is the End of Dividend Investing Coming?
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- Warren Buffett Investing Resource Page
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▼ June 2013 (22)
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▼ April 2013 (17)
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▼ March 2013 (15)
▼ February 2013 (14)- Four Attractively Priced Dividend Stocks Boosting Dividends.
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- Message for RSS readers
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- MLP’s deliver consistent distribution increases
- Abbott Laboratories is Cheaper than you think
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- Investors Get Paid for Holding Dividend Stocks
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- Two Companies Raising Dividends for Over 50 years
- Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) - A Reliable Dividend Growth Stock
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- Procter & Gamble (PG)- A dividend stock to hold forever
- Monthly Dividend Stocks
- High Yielding Stocks Boosting Distributions
- Diageo (DEO) Dividend Stock Analysis 2011
- Active Dividend Growth Investing
- Avoid Cyclical Dividend Growth Stocks
- Unilever (UL) for International Dividend Diversification
- Eleven Dividend Kings, Raising dividends for 50+ years
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- My Dividend Retirement Plan
- We are not in a Dividend Bubble
- Dividend Growth Portfolio - Q4 2011 Update
- Best Dividend Stocks for 2012
▼ December 2011 (11)
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- McCormick & Company (MKC) Dividend Stock Analysis
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- How to invest like a Dividend Billionaire
- International Business Machines (IBM) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividend Aristocrats List
- Four Income Stocks Raising Distributions
- V.F. Corporation (VFC) Dividend Stock Analysis 2012
- How to Build a Retirement Dividend Portfolio with only $1000/month?
- Five Show me the money dividend stocks
- Should you follow Buffett’s latest investments?
- Twelve income stocks boosting distributions
- Microsoft (MSFT) Dividend Stock Analysis
- How to create a bulletproof dividend portfolio
- Six Dividend Winners Increasing Dividends and Returns to Shareholders
- Dividend Growth Stocks by Sector - Retail
- Four important dates for dividend investors
- Ten Income Stocks Providing an Inflation Adjusted Return to Investors
- Stock Spin-Offs – What Should Dividend Investors do?
- Five Stocks Building Future Yields
- Twelve Dividend Machines Boosting Dividends
- Roth IRA’s for Dividend Investors
- Why Sustainable Dividends Matter
- Ten Income Stocks Confident in their Growth Prospects
- Archer-Daniels-Midland (ADM) Dividend Stock Analysis
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- Nestle (NSRGY) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Reinvesting Dividends Pays Off
- Three dividend stocks raising dividends, 4 more expected in April
- Weekend Reading Links - April 10, 2011
- Clorox (CLX) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividend Macro trends: The Baby Boomer Retirement Investment
- Top Dividend Stocks of 2011, 1Q Update
- T. Rowe Price Group (TROW) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Gold versus Dividend Stocks
- Four Dividend Stocks In the News
- McGraw-Hill (MHP) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Avoid Dividend Cutters at All Costs
- The return of Financial Dividends
- Colgate-Palmolive (CL) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Six Dividend Paying Sin Stocks to Consider
- Two Income Stocks Raising Dividends, two more expected in February
- Coca-Cola (KO) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Warren Buffett – A Closet Dividend Investor
- Dividend Stocks Showing Investors the money
- PPG Industries (PPG) Dividend Stock Analysis
- My Entry Criteria for Dividend Stocks
- Twelve Dividend Stocks Growing Distributions
- Kimberly-Clark (KMB) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividend Growth Investing Gets No Respect
- Sixteen Consistent Dividend Payers Raising Dividends
- PepsiCo (PEP) Dividend Stock Analysis
- How to invest in dividend stocks
- Nineteen Consistent Dividend Growth Stocks raising dividends
- Abbott Laboratories (ABT) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividend Champions - The Best List for Dividend Investors
- Ten Dividend Stocks Beating Inflation
- Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) Dividend Stock Analysis
- How to select dividend stocks?
- Fourteen Stocks Raising Dividends Like Clockwork
- Procter & Gamble (PG): the greatest dividend stock in the world
- The Future for Dividend Investors
- Eleven Dividend Machines Delivering Higher Distributions
- Kinder Morgan Energy Partners (KMP) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividend Achievers Offer Income Growth and Capital Appreciation Potential
- Five High Yield Dividend Growth Stocks Raising Distributions
- Unilever (UL) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Seven Dividend Aristocrats to buy on dips
- Eight Dividend Stocks Expected to Raise Dividends in 2011.
- Diageo (DEO) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Six Consumer Stocks to own in 2011
- High Yield Stocks in 2010: Slow and Steady Wins the Race
- Universal Corporation (UVV) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Best Dividend Stocks for 2011
- Becton, Dickinson and Company (BDX) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividend Aristocrats list for 2011
- Pfizer Raises Dividends, is that good or bad news?
- McCormick & Company (MKC) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Ten Dividend Stocks with High Returns on Equity
- General Electric (GE) raises dividends again –should you care?
- Waste Management (WM) Dividend Stock Analysis
- The case for dividend investing in retirement
- Eight Dividend Growers In the News
- Intel Corporation (INTC) Dividend Stock Analysis
- ONEOK Inc (OKE) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Seven Dividend Stocks Sharing Their Success with Sharholders
- Eight Cash Machines Hiking Dividends
- V.F. Corporation (VFC) Dividend Stock Analysis
- How much money do you really need to retire with dividend paying stocks?
- Six Reliable Dividend Growth Stocks Raising Distributions
- Eaton Vance (EV) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividend Growth Stocks – The best kept secret on Wall Street
- Three Dividend Growth Stocks raising the bar
- Enterprise Products Partners L.P. (EPD) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Is Buy and Hold Dividend Investing dead?
- Nine Consistent Dividend Raisers in the News
- Sysco Corporation (SYY) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividend Stocks for the next decade and beyond
- Eleven Dividend Machines Beating Inflation
- Lockheed Martin Corporation (LMT) Dividend Stock Analysis
- High Income Stocks for a Dividend Growth Portfolio
- Six Notable Dividend Growth Stocks in the News
- Lowe’s Companies (LOW) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Why dividend investing beats US Treasuries today?
- Commerce Bancshares (CBSH) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Genuine Parts (GPC) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividend investing timeframes- what's your holding period?
- Top Dividend Stocks for 2010, 3Q Update
- Nucor Corporation (NUE) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Another reason for companies to pay dividends
- Two Consistent Dividend Paying Stocks in the News
- Piedmont Natural Gas (PNY) Dividend Stock Analysis
- How to make money in dividend stocks despite Wall Street
- Eleven Stocks on the Dividend Rebound
- Has the time for Tech Dividends arrived?
- Six companies with 20% yields on cost
- 7 Dividend Stocks Raising Dividends and Returns
- Altria (MO) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Four International Dividend Stocks to Consider
- Five Dividend Machines Raising Distributions
- Medtronic (MDT) Dividend Stock Analysis
- The New Dividend Achievers of 2010
- Altria Delivers Another Smoking Hot Dividend Increase
- Aflac (AFL) Dividend Stock Analysis
- 1991 Dividend Achievers additions- Where are they now?
- Exxon Mobil’s Stingy Dividend Payout
- Illinois Tool Works (ITW) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Eight Dividend Stocks Yielding More than Fixed Income
- Six Notable Dividend Increases for the week
- Cardinal Health (CAH) Dividend Stock Analysis
- 33 Dividend Champions to Consider
- 24 Dividend Paying Companies Confident in the Economic recovery
- $50 Tradeking Brokerage Cash Bonus
- Automatic Data Processing (ADP) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Buy and hold dividend investing is not dead
- 12 High Yield Stocks Raising Dividends
- Chubb Corporation (CB) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividend yield or dividend growth?
- General Electric (GE) raises dividend; 15 other companies follow suit
- Wal-Mart (WMT): A High Dividend Growth Stock
- Strong Brands Grow Dividends
- Twelve Dividend Stocks in the news
- Walgreen (WAG) Dividend Stock Analysis
- 14 Dividend Stocks with Dividend Growth Potential
- Will higher taxes bring dividend stocks down?
- Family Dollar Stores (FDO) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividend ETF or Dividend Stocks?
- McDonald’s Corporation (MCD), a must own dividend stock
- Best High Yielding Stocks for 2010, Q2 Update
- Benchmarking Dividend income
- Four High Yield REITs for current income
- Johnson & Johnson (JNJ):the best dividend growth stock in the world
- Dividend Investing Myths
- Highest Yielding Dividend Stocks of S&P 500
- Air Products and Chemicals (APD) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Five Dividend Stocks which beat Index Funds
- Five Reliable Dividend Stocks in the News
- Is BP’s dividend safe?
- Royal Dutch Shell – An Undiscovered Dividend Gem
- How to increase your dividend income with these four income stocks
- Three Dividend Stocks to Capitalize on BP’s weakness
- Coca Cola (KO) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividend Investing Works in All Markets
- H.J.Heinz and Lowe’s reward shareholders with higher dividends
- Chevron Corporation (CVX) Dividend Stock Analysis
- A dividend portfolio for the long-term
- Why Dividend Growth Stocks Rock?
- Exxon Mobil (XOM) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividend Payback from six quality dividend stocks
- How to Uncover Hidden Dividend Gems
- Clorox (CLX) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Four Characteristics of The Best Dividend Growth Stocks
- Sixteen Dividend Companies focusing on the big picture
- 3M Company (MMM) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Procter & Gamble (PG) Time and Sales
- Are Dividend Investors Stock Pickers?
- United Technologies (UTX) Dividend Stock Analysis
- A record 22 companies boost dividend payouts
- Fixed Income for dividend investors
- Universal Health Realty Income Trust (UHT) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Johnson & Johnson and Procter & Gamble Deliver Con...
- Living off dividends in retirement
- MLPs Dominate Distribution Increases
- Health Care Property Investors, Inc. (HCP) Dividend Stock Analysis
- 16 Quality Dividend Stocks for the long run
- Six companies boosting future yield on cost
- Hingham Institution for Savings (HIFS) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Three Dividend Strategies to pick from
- PepsiCo, Inc. (PEP) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Top Dividend Stocks for 2010, 1Q update
- Four Percent Rule for Dividend Investing in Retirement
- Seven Dividend Stocks in the News
- Emerson Electric (EMR) Dividend Stock Analysis
- The right time to sell dividend stocks
- PepsiCo (PEP): a consistent dividend aristocrat
- Abbott Labs (ABT) Dividend Stock Analysis
- The right time to buy dividend stocks
- Bank Shareholders: Forget About Dividend Increases
- Procter & Gamble (PG) Stock Dividend Analysis
- Capitalize on China’s Growth with these dividend stocks
- Seven Dividend Increases in the news
- Kimberly-Clark Corporation (KMB) Stock Dividend Analysis
- The ten year dividend growth requirement
- Six Significant Dividend Increases
- Colgate-Palmolive (CL) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Seven dividend aristocrats that Buffett owns
- Four notable dividend increases
- McGraw-Hill (MHP) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Ten Dividend Kings raising dividends for over 50 y...
- Four Prominent Dividend Growth Stocks with rising ...
- Diageo (DEO) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividend Growth beats Dividend Yield in the long r...
- Twenty Dividend Increases in the news
- Unilever (UL) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividend Investors are getting paid for waiting
- Twelve Dividend Stocks Increasing Dividends
- Universal Corporation (UVV) Dividend Stock Analysi...
- Stocks with fluctuating dividends to avoid
- Realty Income (O) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Busy week for dividend increases
- Dividend growth stocks are attractive buyout targe...
- A Strong week for MLP distributions
- Interesting Dividend and Investing Sites to Consid...
- Brown-Forman Corporation (BF-B) Dividend Stock Ana...
- Buffett the dividend investor
- Valuing Dividend Stocks
- 3 dividend increases, more expected in January
- Five Consumer Stocks for 2010
- 2010’s Top Dividend Plays
▼ 2009 (201)▼ December 2009 (12)
- Dividend Aristocrats List for 2010
- Bristol-Myers Squibb, Two other companies raise di...
- Capital gains for dividend investors
- AT&T Raises Distributions by 2.4%
- Stanley Works (SWK) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Inflation Proof your income in retirement with Div...
- 7 Dividend Raisers for the week
- McCormick & Company (MKC) Dividend Stock Analysis
- When to break your rules
- 8 Dividend Achievers Strike Back
- Kinder Morgan Energy Partners (KMP) Dividend Stock...
- Top US Dividend Stocks to Accumulate Now
- Eight stocks with positive dividend momentum
- Twelve Recent Dividend Increasers
- Consolidated Edison (ED) Dividend Stock Analysis
- What are your dividend investing goals?
- Eight Companies Rewarding investors with higher payouts
- Dividend Grouping for Dividend Income
- Where are the original Dividend Aristocrats now?
- Four Dividend Raisers in the news
- Estimating future Dividend Growth
- The Dividend Investment Journey
- Nine stocks with increasing distributions
- The Best Trades could be the ones not entered
- Five Dividend Stocks for long-term dividend growth
- Is now the time to sell your dividend stocks?
- Six Dividend Stocks for current income
- Another aristocrat raising distributions
- Selling Options is no free lunch
- Debt coverage for sustainable dividends
- Four Notable Dividend Increasers in the news
- SYSCO Corporation (SYY) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Emotionless Dividend Investing
- The return of the financial dividends
- $50 Tradeking Promotion
- Best Dividend Picks for 2009, 3Q update
- Utility dividends for current income
- McDonald’s Delivers Strong Dividend Growth
- Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividends Stocks versus Fixed Income
- Eight Dividend Increases in the news
- Paychex (PAYX) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Are High Dividend Stocks worth it?
- Kraft Foods freezes dividends
- Automatic Data Processing (ADP) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Why now might be a good time to buy Manulife (MFC)...
- Not all dividend stocks are overvalued
- Verizon Hikes Dividends
- Sherwin-Williams (SHW) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Six things I learned from the financial crisis
- Altria Group's 6% Dividend Hike
- V.F. Corporation (VFC) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Financial Stocks for Dividend Investors
- Aflac (AFL) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Cincinnati Financial’s Dividend Surprise
- 29 stocks with sustainable dividends
- Buffett's Newest Stock Pick
- 7 Dividend Raisers during a financial crisis
- Berkshire Hathaway’s portfolio changes for 2Q 2009
- Chubb (CB) Dividend Stock Analysis
- OptionsXpress $100 Referal Bonus
- 13 dividend stocks to enter on dips
- 9 Dividend Stocks in the news
- Wal-Mart (WMT) Dividend Stock Analysis
- TradeKing $50 Promotion
- Dividend Aristocrats - YTD dividend raisers versus cutters
- Supervalu (SVU) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Chevron (CVX) Raises Dividends; MLPs follow suit
- Avery Dennison Cuts Dividends
- Philip Morris International versus Altria
- AT&T/ Centennial Communications Merger Arbitrage Opportunity
- MLPs Dominate Distribution Increases
- Walgreen Co (WAG) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Reinvest Dividends Selectively
- Dividend Stocks Showing You the Money
- Buffett Partnership Letters
- Dividend Reinvestment is important
- Walgreen’s 22% Dividend Increase Analysis
- Bemis Co (BMS) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Myths about Warren Buffett
- 12 Dividend Stocks to own in this market
- Dividend News: A Few Increases, More Expected in January
- Emerson Electric (EMR) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Best Yielding Stocks for 2009 2Q Update
- High-Yield Dividends at Risk
- High Yielding Companies boosting distributions
- Coca Cola (KO) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Largest Stock Buybacks for first quarter of 2009
- Dividends versus Share Buybacks/Stock repurchases
- Realty Income (O) and Medtronic (MDT) Boosting Distributions
- Eli Lilly (LLY) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividend Portfolios – concentrate or diversify?
- Target (TGT) and Clorox (CLX) confident in raising dividends
- Clorox (CLX) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Best International Dividend Stocks
- Dividends and Stock Buybacks in the news
- Risk Tolerance and Smart Investing: When Fear shouldn't be a factor
- Colgate Palmolive (CL) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Replacing dividend stocks sold
- General Motors (GM) bankruptcy trade
- Dividend Investors Running With the bulls
- MLPs for tax-deferred accounts
- Diversifying into small and mid cap dividend stocks
- The Sweet Spot of Dividend Investing
- Nine Dividend Stocks confident in raising dividends
- Dividend Investing vs Trading
- General vs Limited Partners in MLP's
- More Dividend Stocks to Avoid
- Eight Dividend Increases in the News
- Warren Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway Portfolio Changes
- The Top 40 Dividend Stocks for 2009 book review
- Highest paid CEO’s in 2008 didn't perform that well
- LCA Vision - A profitable Value Idea
- Eleven companies bucking the dividend cuts trend
- Exxon Mobil (XOM) Dividend Stock Analysis
- The New Dividend Aristocrats
- Busiest week for dividends increases in 2009
- Chevron Corporation (CVX) Dividend Stock Analysis
- High-Yield Canadian Royalty Trusts vs Dividend Growth stocks
- Johnson & Johnson - a solid dividend aristocrat to own
- 10 Weekend Links
- Abbott Labs (ABT) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Best Big Companies for the Long Term
- The Hyperinflation Scam
- Dividend Stocks to Avoid
- Procter & Gamble (PG) – a reliable dividend aristocrat
- Special Dividends Unlock Hidden Value in Stocks
- Value Investing is all about finding market inefficiencies
- Wells Fargo (WFC) – show me the money
- Should you sell after a dividend freeze?
- Dividend Stocks Raising Payments in a rising market
- United Technologies (UTX) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Covered Call Options Strategy for cutting losses on USB
- A merger arbitrage lesson to learn
- Dividend Stocks in the News
- 3M (MMM) Dividend Stock Analysis
- S&P Dividend Aristocrats under performing S&P 500 in 1Q 2009
- Best High Yield Dividend Stocks for 2009-1Q Update
- American Express maintains its dividend payment
- McDonald’s (MCD) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Variable Annuities: The Fee Factor
- Using DRIPs for faster compounding of dividends
- Dividends are Powering Up the Tech Sector
- Ten Links for March 21, 2009
- AT&T (T) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs) – an island of opportunity for dividend investors
- Dividend Aristocrats keep raising their dividends
- Slow Week for Dividend Increases
- PepsiCo (PEP) Dividend Stock Analysis
- High Yielding Preferred Stocks Could Also Get the Dividend Ax
- Merck/Schering-Plough Merger Arbitrage Opportunity
- Another day, another dividend cut
- Government Intervention in the financial system is bad for shareholders
- 10 Links to Enjoy This Weekend
- Seven Solid Dividend Increases bucking the trend of dividend cuts
- Wells Fargo Joins the Crowd of Dividend Cutters
- Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Telling the truth or being positive?
- US Bancorp (USB) cuts its dividend by 88%
- No Risk Stock Market Investing
- Many Dividend Stocks Keep Raising Their Payments
- What I learned from Warren Buffett’s Most Recent Letter to Shareholders
- General Electric (GE) Cuts the Dividend
- Yield on Cost Matters
- The Demise of the Newspaper Industry
- Four Stocks Whose Nationalization Won’t Affect Stock Indexes
- Yet Another Financial Company Cutting Dividends
- Dividend Aristocrats Strike Back
- IBM Dividend Stock Analysis
- Should you follow Warren Buffett’s latest moves?
- Warren Buffet's Luxury Dividends at Tiffany’s
- America’s Finest Companies Keep Raising their Dividends
- Microsoft (MSFT) Dividend Stock Analysis
- The Dividend Edge
- Seven Notable Dividend Increases in the news
- Dividend Aristocrats Video
- My take on State Street’s dividend cut
- Altria (MO) - a recession proof high yield dividend stock
- As goes January so goes the year – Testing the January barometer
- Warren Buffet’s Investment in Harley-Davidson, don't get too excited about it
- Bad Start of the Week for Retail Investors
- Dividend Stocks proving that not all dividends are at risk
- Procter & Gamble (PG) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Using Tax Loss Harvesting to Find Dividend Bargains
- Pfizer/Wyeth Merger Arbitrage Opportunity
- Pfizer’s deal with Wyeth could be a blessing for shareholders
- Busy Week for Dividend Increases
- Dividend Investing Resources
- Can USB and WFC maintain their current dividends?
- Dividend Yields for major US indexes
- Six Dividend Stocks Raising the bar
- When to buy back dividend shares that you have previously sold?
- Don’t chase High Yielding Stocks Blindly
- Bank of America (BAC) might have to cut dividends again
- Taking Stock in Coca-Cola (KO):
- Dividend Stocks in the news includes General Electric
- Dividend Cuts - the worst nightmare for dividend investors
- 2009 Dogs of the Dow
- Dividend Aristocrats List for 2009
- When to sell my dividend stocks?
- TARP is bad for dividend investors
- Best High Yield Dividend Stocks for 2009
- Dominion Resoures and Realty Income Increasing their dividends
- Dividend Aristocrats in danger
- Dividend Stocks in the news
- What Dividend Growth Investing is all about?
- Best Dividends Stocks for the Long Run
- Nine notable dividend increases
- International Over Diversification
- Is GE’s dividend safe?
- Dividend Cuts could be spreading to commodities companies
- Dividends Keep Getting Raised despite bleak economy
- Dividends and The Great Depression
- Dividend Portfolio Investing for monthly income
- Are Dividend Investors betting that the worst is over?
- Dividend Capture Strategy – The illusion of getting something for nothing
- Six Promising Dividend Increases in the News
- 40 Value Stocks that Graham Would Buy
- Arbitrage Opportunities – CEG and ROH
- Markets keep under reacting to dividend cuts
- Seven notable dividend increases
- Why should companies pay out dividends?
- 10 by 10: A New Way to Look at Yield and Dividend Growth
- Dividend Stocks in the news
- Investing Carnival - November 18, 2008
- Berkshire Hathaway Portfolio Changes for the quarter
- Is negative dividend news good for the stock price?
- Zecco Online Discount Stock Brokerage Review
- Dividend ETF’s for busy investors
- The future for US Auto Stocks
- ACAS Dividend News
- Should you sell after a dividend cut?
- Six Dividend Stocks Increases in the news
- Aflac (AFL) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Have we reached the bottom?
- Worst Performing dividend stocks so far in 2008
- 5 Best Performing dividend stocks so far in 2008
- 6 Dividend Stocks rewarding their shareholders with higher payouts
- Warren Buffett – The Ultimate Dividend Investor
- Nucor Corporation (NUE) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Dividend Yields are rising
- Constellation Energy (CEG) Merger Arbitrage Opportunity
- 5 dividend stocks increasing their payments in this tough market
- Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway Stock Portfolio Holdings
- Dividend Aristocrats are outperforming the markets in 2008
- Berkshire Hathaway Historical Total Return Performance
- 111th Festival of Stocks
- Three Notable Dividend Increases over the past week
- Philips Electronics (PHG) Stock Dividend Analysis
- When should you consider investing in dividend stocks?
- BB&T Corporation (BBT) Stock Dividend Analysis
- Free Magazines
- Attractive Dividend Stocks in the buy zone
- 8 Dividend Stocks raising their payments in this tough market
- Should you re-invest your dividends?
- Repsol YPF (REP) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Top 20 one day percent decreases in Dow Jones
- Dividend Stocks in the news
- Are Drips Worth It?
- Chevron Corporation (CVX) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Which Bank will be next? Follow the dividend cuts
- Dividend Stocks in the news over the past week
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs - September 28
- “The Top 40 Dividend Stocks for 2008 – How and Why to Build a Cash Machine of Dividend Stocks
- Unlimited Free Trades at Zecco in October!
- Nordic American Tanker (NAT) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Toronto-Dominion Bank (TD) Dividend Stock Analysis
- My biggest weakness as a dividend investor
- High yield stocks for current income
- Nokia (NOK) Stock Dividend Analysis
- Which candidate is better for dividend investors – Obama or McCain?
- Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs- September 14, 2008
- BP (BP) Stock Dividend Analysis
- 20 Top High Dividend Growth Stocks
- UDR Dividend Stock Analysis
- Why did the market finish higher on Friday?
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs- September 7, 2008
- The Rule of 72
- SYSCO (SYY) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Attractively Valued International dividend stocks
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs- Labor Day Edition
- Diageo (DEO) Dividend analysis
- International Dividend Achievers for diversification
- Introduction to Currency ETF’s
- PPG Industries (PPG) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs- August 24, 2008
- Dividend Growth and Earnings Per Share versus Total Returns
- Is $1,000,000 enough to retire on? Is $2,000,000 enough to retire on?
- Investing Carnival #8
- State Street Corporation (STT) Dividend Stock Analysis
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs- August 17, 2008
- Dow 370,000
- My Dividend Growth Plan - Money Management
- Year-to-Date changes in Dividend Aristocrats’ annual payments to shareholders
- National Retail Properties (NNN) Dividend Stock An...
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs- August 09, 2008
- The importance of investing for retirement as early as possible
- Selected Dividend Increases in July
- My Dividend Growth Plan - Diversification
- I got a 10% raise from CSL (Carlisle Companies)
- Realty Income (O) Dividend Analisys
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs- August 02, 2008
- How much money do you really need to achieve financial independence?
- Gannett (GCI) leaves dividend unchanged at $0.40/quarter
- My Dividend Growth Plan - Stock Selection
- Bank of America (BAC) Dividend Analysis
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs- July 26, 2008
- The ultimate passive investment strategy
- My Dividend Growth Plan - Strategy
- Is Pfizer (PFE) a value trap for investors?
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs- July 20, 2008
- Book Review: Stop Working
- United Technologies (UTX) Dividend Analysis
- Some Attractively Valued Dividend Stocks to Consider
- Average Durations of Previous Bear Markets
- Anheuser-Busch (BUD) Deal Finalized
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs- July 12, 2008
- "Determining Withdrawal Rates Using Historical Dat...
- Dow Chemical (DOW) To Acquire Rohm and Haas (ROH)
- Teleflex Incorporated (TFX) Dividend Analysis
- AT&T (T) Dividend Analysis
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs- July 05, 2008
- Carlisle Companies (CSL) Dividend Analysis
- Selected Dividend Increases in June
- Investing Carnival #1
- McDonald's Corporation (MCD) Dividend Analysis
- The Dividend Investing and Value Network (DIV-Net)
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs- June 29, 2008
- The price of higher current yield -Canadian Royalty Trusts
- When to sell your dividend stocks? Part 2
- Illinois Tool Works (ITW) Dividend Analysis
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs- June 22, 2008
- When to sell your dividend stocks?
- 20 Highest-Yielding High Yield Dividend Aristocrats
- V.F. Corporation (VFC) Dividend Analysis
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs- June 14, 2008
- Target Corporation (TGT) Dividend analysis
- The 20 Highest Yielding Dividend Aristocrats
- Abbott Laboratories (ABT) Dividend Analysis
- How to protect yourself from rising gasoline prices
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs- June 7, 2008
- Commerce Bancshares (CBSH) Dividend Analysis
- Selected Dividend Increases in May
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs- May 31, 2008
- Question from a reader
- Consolidated Edison (ED) Dividend Analysis
- Automatic Data Processing (ADP) Dividend analysis
- Memorial Day Notes and News
- Kimberly-Clark (KMB) Dividend Analysis
- TEPPCO Partners (TPP) Dividend Analysis
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs
- Kinder Morgan Energy Partners (KMP) Dividend Analysis
- Why do I like Dividend Achievers
- American Capital Strategies (ACAS) Dividend Analysis
- Dividend Champions Watchlist
- Dividend Conspiracies
- Carnivals, Festivals Blogs and Free Money - May 13
- PEP looks attractive
- Gannett Co (GCI) Dividend Analysis
- The friendliest states for dividend investors
- Valspar Corporation (VAL) Dividend Analysis
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs - May 06, 2008
- Dover Corp (DOV) Dividend Analysis
- Leveraged Investments
- Selected Dividend Increases in April
- Current Aging of the Dividend Aristocrats
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs - April 29, 2008
- Historical changes of the S&P Dividend Aristocrats
- Wilmington Trust (WL) Dividend Analysis
- RPM Dividend Analysis
- Dividend Achievers Watchlist
- XOM Dividend Analysis
- Blogs and Free Money - April 18,2008
- GWW Dividend Analysis
- Diversification and portfolio allocation
- APD Dividend Analysis
- Rewards Checking Accounts Overview
- Carnivals, Festivals Blogs and Free Money - April 11,2008
- USB Dividend Analysis
- Emerson Electric (EMR) Dividend Analysis
- Dividend Increases in March
- ROH Dividend Analysis
- Carnivals, Festivals and Blogs
- CB Dividend Analysis
- Back test Results of one Rule of Thumb
- McGraw-Hill (MHP) Dividend Analysis
- Festival of Stocks #82
- The Bottom is in
- Clorox (CLX) Dividend Analysis
- Diversification Matters
- FDO Dividend Analysis
- Carnival of Money Stories #52
- Wal-Mart Dividend Analysis
- Dividend Growth Stocks Watchlist
- 3M dividend analysis
- The case for dividend investing in retirement
- Five Year Dividend Growth Rates for the High-Yield Dividend Aristocrats
- Procter & Gamble Dividend Analysis
- Ten Things to Know About Dividends:
- Sherwin-Williams Company Dividend Analysis
- Dividend Increases in February
- Anheuser-Busch Dividend Analysis
- SPY at a crossroads
- Five Year Dividend Growth Rates for Dividend Aristocrats
- Dividend Analysis of M&T Bank Corporation (MTB)
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- Outperform S&P500 with S&P500 futures, Part 1
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