For your reading enjoyment, I have highlighted several articles that the readers found of particular interest this month. I have included the article title, as well as a short description.
1) Introducing Dividend Growth Investor Newsletter
Last month, I created my own dividend investing newsletter. It features ten quality companies for the long-term each month. This newsletter features companies that I am investing in every single month. This dividend portfolio would be a great teaching exercise on building a portfolio from scratch. We would also discuss diversification, how to allocate new cash towards new or existing position and how to monitor and manage the portfolio. Subscribers of the newsletter received a report listing the ten dividend paying companies I bought last week.
2) Screening The Dividend Champions List For Bargains
I ran my screen against the list of dividend champions from June 2018, in order to identify bargains. The list of dividend champions includes companies that have managed to increase dividends to shareholders for at least 25 years in a row. The dividend champions list is more comprehensive than the list of dividend aristocrats, which is why I prefer to use it for my investing process. In this article, I discussed my approach to screening large groups of dividend growth stocks. Not surprisingly, I focus on qualitative and quantitative criteria to come up with a list of companies for further research.
3) Dividend Champions List For June 2018
I updated the list of dividend champions on June 30, 2018. I discussed the process I took to do the updates, which is mostly manual in nature. I discussed this in an effort to educate investors how to maintain their own lists if noone updates it for the community on a go forward basis. After going through the process of just updating the list of dividend champions, I have a lot of respect for the amount of work that David Fish did on a monthly basis for a decade, in updating the champions, contenders and challengers lists. He will be missed.
4) Three Dividend Growth Stocks Rewarding Shareholders With A Raise
In this article, I highlighted three dividend growth stocks with a ten year record of annual dividend increases. Those companies had raised dividends in the preceding week. I review the dividend increases that interest me, as part of my monitoring process. I own two of the three companies mentioned in the article, and recently added to my position in one of them.
5) How to retire in 10 years with dividend stocks
In this article, I shared a simple model for forecasting dividend income using a few simple inputs such as dividend yield, dividend growth and the impact of regular contributions to a dividend portfolio. While the future is seldom linear, this model gives at least a ballpark estimate of what can be expected if certain assumptions are made. When playing with models, I have found it very helpful to change assumptions, and see what the overall impact to the end result turns out to be. It is always helpful to stress test assumptions.
Relevant Articles:
- Best Dividend Investing Articles For June
- Dividend Investing Resources I Use
- Best Dividend Investing Articles For May
- Help! I have a serious spending addiction
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